13 columbushosp.org Regain vitality To learn more about the Columbus Movement Disorder Clinic, call Michell Ruskamp at 402-562-4488, email mlruskamp@columbushosp.org or visit columbushosp.org. Carroll McPhillips, left, works with Michell Ruskamp, speech therapist at Rehab Services at the Wellness Center, on treatment for swallowing. easy to talk to and is a great listener. The clinic teaches you the right way to do things. Before, I just did things and didn’t know why. They have taught me there is a reason for every movement, and everything is done with intent.” McPhillips encourages individuals who think they may have Parkinson’s to take one step at a time, and everything will fall into place. Becoming involved at Rehab Services at the Wellness Center helped him get to know others who are experiencing the same challenges. He also realized that moving all the time to stay healthy is vital. Individuals with suspected Parkinson’s disease can expect to be in the specialized quarterly clinic for approximately three hours the first time. During this visit, they will meet with Smith for an initial evaluation, then undergo assessments with dietitians and physical, occupational and speech therapists. The hospital will also have nursing staff on-site to assist with the evaluations. Movement Disorder Clinic Columbus Community Hospital is offering the quarterly clinic on Sept. 28 and Dec. 7. A primary care provider or current neurologist will need to refer interested individuals before they can schedule an appointment with the clinic.