4 Bringing health care news to your home At Columbus Community Hospital, our mission is simple — to improve the health and wellness of the communities we serve. While our services have grown and evolved over the years, one thing hasn’t changed: our focus on community. Every three years, CCH joins forces with East Central District Health Department (ECDHD) to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The CHNA looks at four ECDHD counties: Boone, Colfax, Nance and Platte. The goal of the assessment is to describe the population’s health status, identify areas for health improvement and determine factors that contribute to health issues. Currently, the hospital and East Central are working to complete the 2024 CHNA. Mike Hansen, president and CEO of CCH, said he is looking forward to viewing the results from this year’s CHNA because they will reveal trending data on how different acute and chronic illnesses have evolved over the past three years. Historically, the results have shown a high incidence of diabetes, cardiac-related conditions, cancer and behavioral health issues. The hospital works hard to invest in new services, health care providers and technology. Hospital leaders keep their mission and vision top of mind as they execute the strategic plan, which comprises goals to sustain and grow, promote high quality, collaborate and affiliate. As part of that plan, the hospital focuses on surgical services, workforce, quality of care, telemedicine and partnerships in order to maintain its volume of services and ongoing financial sustainability. Looking back In 2012, the CHNA revealed obesity and mental health as two priority issues for Platte County. According to Hansen, these results led to the hospital’s wellness initiative, which began in 2015. “We knew we had wellness issues and needed to come up with a brick-and-mortar solution to address those issues,” Hansen said. “The Columbus Wellness Center helped us develop a population health approach to wellness, and we will further expand on this initiative with the opening of the Columbus Fieldhouse.” In addition to expanding the wellness initiative and opening the Columbus Fieldhouse, the hospital has kept true to the goals set forth by its strategic plan. Over the last three years, CCH completed a $35 million renovation and expansion project that added a state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization lab; opened a 10-bed senior behavioral health unit; launched the health science pathway and nurse apprenticeship programs; and added various providers, services and clinics. Next-level care for our community STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE